Arrival in Indonesia

Well, friends, not much has changed since I last posted from NYC. I'm still at an airport waiting for a flight (but in Jakarta). I still haven't bought vitamins (sorry mom). And I'm still wearing an H&M v-neck (different color).

Here are the highlights:

  • I haven't gotten sick yet.
  • I've had 3 wonderful airplane meals and semi-considered transitioning this into an airplane food blog but decided I wouldn't have much to write about after the first 3 days. Airplane food blog though - somebody get on this please.
  • I was able to finally catch up on some Oscar movies on my flights (too little too late, I know). Semi-considered transitioning this website to an airplane movie review blog but again that wasn't sustainable.
    • The Big Short - solid movie but 99 Homes covered the same topic and did it better (I haven't seen 99 Homes but I read this somewhere and I believe it. It also did 4% better on Rotten Tomatoes so...)
    • Steve Jobs - Leo, give Michael Fassbender his Oscar back.
    • The Martian - Made me realize how absolutely not prepared I am for being stranded on Mars. I need to learn some skills ASAP.
  • Realized my 5 years of Japanese language learning in elementary school has all boiled down to "arigatou gozaimasu" (thank you). I said "arigatou" about 5 million times throughout my journey on my Japanese airline.
    • Insider tip: If you don't know a language, you can pretty much get by with substituting "thank you" for most words including "hello", "goodbye", "you're welcome", "bless you", "please", "help me", "where is the bathroom", etc...
  • Indonesia is going to be cheap (11 cent ramen)
  • I made my first friend, Fabian (pictured below), and I was inspired to begin a "Man-bun Series" as I search for a new Reza. Unfortunately, he is heading home to Austria today at the culmination of his 3-month trip as I begin mine. Love is fleeting. However, I will use this series to explore the nature of relationships and their transience. Though I may have lost a Reza, there can always be a new, Austrian Reza, and a new friend with a man-bun, around the corner.
    • Footnote: Reza is a friend who was supposed to travel with me but is no longer joining. He, of course, has a man-bun.
  • Cab driver got lost on the way to my hotel. I will need to be better with directions. He also tried to charge me 3 times the normal price but I told him I wasn't a gringo (lessons learned from Tulum) and "negotiated" (neither of us could understand the other). When I got to the hotel I asked the staff how much I should have paid and felt good about myself.
  • Here are some pictures:
Welcome to Tokyo

Welcome to Tokyo

Tandoori chicken

Tandoori chicken

In-flight entertainment

In-flight entertainment

Breakfast in Jakarta

Breakfast in Jakarta

The cab ride that wouldn't end

The cab ride that wouldn't end

11 cent ramen

11 cent ramen

These streets were not made for walking

These streets were not made for walking

The Coffee Bean I'm writing this at

The Coffee Bean I'm writing this at

Man-bun Series: Fabian

Man-bun Series: Fabian

Until next time, good night!